For those that are newcomers to golf or even those who may be apathetic to the sport, golf may seem like a simple sport where you hit the ball as hard as possible towards a hole. However, simply hitting the ball as hard as possible won’t get you the desired results, and this is where having the right equipment comes in. Being aware of this equipment and its uses will further improve your knowledge of the sport and improve your game.
The first piece of equipment you should be familiar with is a golf club. These aren’t just ordinary sticks with which you hit the ball; different clubs are used in different scenarios to attain different degrees of distances and trajectories. There are four categories of clubs: Woods, Irons, Hybrids, Wedges, and Putters.
The first category, woods, are clubs used for very long shots and to hit the ball the hardest. Originally made out of wood, these clubs are now made of steel, with a hollow shaft that enables them to be lightweight and easy to swing.
Second in this group is Irons. Divided into short, middle, and long irons, these clubs are used for shots less than 200 yards away. Their clubheads are usually much smaller and thinner than woods, and because they don’t have much loft (angled faces etched with grooves usually help with the ball’s spin), they could make the ball bounce too much.
Third, there are the Hybrids. These are a cross between woods and irons. They are also the newest category of clubs and are considered the replacement for irons because they are easier to hit. This makes them preferred by beginners as well.
Next in this category are Wedges. While they are their category of clubs, they may also be considered a sub-category of irons. This is because they have the same clubheads as irons but angled for more loft. They are divided into four, the first of which is the pitch wedge, which can make a 50-120 yard shot. The sand wedge comes second, and it is best for about 90-yard shots and getting the ball out of sand traps and rough patches. In tight situations, the gap wedge bridges the gap between the sand and pitch wedges. Finally, the lob wedge is predominantly used for getting the ball out of rough patches and back onto the green.
Last in the clubs category are the Putters. These are the clubs used at the end of the game when you need to get the ball into the hole without having to overhit it. It is also the club you will use for most of the game, so it is best to use one that you are extremely comfortable with.
Getting yourself familiarized with the different kinds of clubs, as well as their purposes and the situations they can be used in, could potentially make the difference between being a golf novice and a good golfer. Also, make sure to get clubs you can easily hit with, as those would make your swings and shots better, as opposed to struggling to hit with heavier clubs.
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